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The surreal act of NAHO - VARU focused on the production of beer. Series BEER-bottle-GIRLS is about beer consumption. 

Photo-shooting were in the restaurant of Svijany Radniční sklípek in Liberec.

Why do I photograph
what I photograph ...? 

"The bartender is so wierd", 70x105 cm, c - print, pine wood, glass Matobel (700 €)

Many of my friends consider me to be a feminist and I do not mind that at all. I don’t like when people have the need to label people and I do not want to be labeled either, however our society usually needs labels to understand who we are. Now you are probably asking yourself how to approach me and my BEER-BOTTLE WOMEN?

"Soulfly", 70x100 cm, c - print, pine wood, glass Matobel (700 €)

    I had few offers to photograph male acts and men are constantly trying to get to my “women only” photoshoots. They want to become a part of a world that we create during these photoshoots but this is a forbidden zone for men. I will not let them break the fragile world of fantasy and freedom - where some of us get rid the word “WE” and the austere facts of the real world. And the strong, hairy, funny and real creatures called men are “too much of a Mars” for my photoshoots and my escapes to these beautiful photographic experiences.

"Private company", 70x100 cm, c - print, pine wood, glass Matobel (700 €)

I photograph women because I truly admire (us) women. I adore us. The man is beautiful, "carefree" variegation of the woman’s world. Men make us happy and we love them for that. Men protect us and we can feel fragile because we can allow ourselves to feel this way with them. However, the fact is that even if sometimes our wings forget to fly, at the same time our strength can move the mountains. We are the laughter, we are the energy, we are the sun within the soul, we are riotous, vain and most of all - we love life. We are soft, sweet-scented, passionate and our curves are the inspiration for many artists. The man can call himself the head of the family but the woman is the neck and the warm womb of the house, the one who runs the family and guides it into a quiet harbor through all sorts of the storms. I consider all of us to be the superheroins of our lives. And the biggest superheroin of my life is the woman who has worn me under her heart for 9 long months. Thank you mum.

"Nothing more than bottle of beer", 70x100 cm, c - print, pine wood, glass Matobel (700 €)

"Boundless", 100x70 cm, c - print, pine wood, glass Matobel (700 €)

The shooting of the BEER-BOTTLE WOMEN took place in just one day which is very little. Although it was an amazing day full of fun, laughter, overcoming ourselves and releasability, I did not manage to escape from the world I live in, into the world full of freedom. My soul was not able to "zonk out" and reach the transitory nirvana, however we still managed to create a crazy atmosphere and unleash the creative energy within us. Each one of these photos is full of emotions and comes from within us.

"Rollicking dinner", 70x150 cm, c - print, pine wood, glass Matobel (810 €)

This kind of photoshoot is completely different from commercial orders. During commercial photoshoot, I must respect costumer’s wishes and try to fulfill them and at the same time I must suppress my feelings. Despite that, I still enjoy commercial photography very much. I like the feeling when my work gives pleasure to people who thanks to my finger on the shutter button, have something to remember. Nevertheless, the nude photoshoots are the only photographic moments during which I can truly be myself.

"A little rest", 70x120 cm, c - print, pine wood, glass Matobel (770 €)

These photographs would not come into being without these great, wonderful, crazy, strong, playful and courageous BEER-BOTTLE WOMEN. Women, thank you for allowing me to be myself few times a year. I can release the fantasy world out of my head and support it with your playfulness and that is the moment when we create something unforgettable together. And if the MEMORIES from these crazy “sessions” begin to fade, we will always have this playful photo collection that will remind us of our amazing experience. Long live the BEER-BOTTLE WOMEN. Cheers!

"Nobody is perfect", 100x70 cm, c - print, pine wood, glass Matobel (700 €)

PS1: There have been one creature from "Mars" present during this photo shoot after all. He was our stowaway and I hope that when he grows up, he will find his “Venus” and they will make each other happy. 

PS2: I would also like to mention my fearless “Mars” who gave me my life and filled my childhood with adventurous experiences and raised me in a boy style. Thank you dad!

PS3: And last but not least, I would like to thank my strong, hairy, and funny “variegation of my world” for loving me the way I am

"Ruined", 70x100 cm, c - print, pine wood, glass Matobel (700 €)

Other photos of BEER -bottle- GIRLS

Buy photos:

Photos (c-print) are framed by a professional company in Liberec Pellone with precision and tradition in pine wood with protective glass anti-reflective Matobel. The price for 70x100 cm is 700 €. Custom photo orders are possible upon customer request.
Order time is 3-4 weeks.

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